Harta Orasului Timisoara Average ratng: 5,6/10 9605 votes
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  2. Harta Orasului Timisoara
  3. Harta Orase Timisoara

Timisoara, municipiul de pe Bega, este inima si sufletul Banatului. Ingemanarea unica dintre arhaic si modern fac din orasul Timisoara nu numai o urbe aparte, ci si un burg plin de istorie. Dispunerea concentrica a cartierelor ce impresoara inima, Cetatea, confera Timisoarei, pe harta, un aspect unic. Atemporala curgere a apei pe Canal imparte aproape simetric orasul in doua. Harta Timisoarei are o interfata grafica prietenoasa si un meniu intuitiv. Categoriile generale, situate intr-un grup distinct in partea stanga a paginii web, fac trimiteri catre o localizare exacta a obiectivelor prezentate.

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HARTA INTERACTIVA Autostrada Timisoara - Lugoj Lot1, deschisa circulatiei. Tronsonul de 9,5 km este prima autostrada din Romania terminata inainte de termen. Lugoj si variantei de ocolire a orasului Timisoara la standard de autostrada' a fost aprobata de catre Comisia Europeana. Timisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Timisoara) Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without the explicit authorization of RomaniaTourism. Harta Jimbolia interactiva: pe harta poti folosi zoom +/- precum si sa repozitionezi harta tragand de ea sus/jos/stanga/dreapta, pentru a gasi ceea ce cauti in orasul Jimbolia Harta satelit Jimbolia: pentru a putea vedea imagini din satelit ale orasului Jimbolia, apasati butonul corespunzator afisarii imaginilor din satelit. Distanta rutiera este un site dedicat utilizatorilor care vor sa calculeze rutele.

Din meniul principal, un clic pe Adauga obiectiv si ai posibilitatea de a contribui la o dezvoltare cat mai completa a hartii Timisoara. Daca nu cunoasteti orasul Timisoara sau daca aveti nevoie de un ghid cat mai exact pentru localizarea unui anumit obiectiv, harta online a orasului Timisoara este instrumentul de care aveti nevoie.

Harta Timisoara Online

• Timisoara - City Highlights The first record of the city of Timisoara, built on the site of an ancient Roman fortress called Castrum Regium Themes, dates back to 1212. Over the years, Timisoara, the largest city in western Romania, has been influenced by many cultures.

Harta Orasului Timisoara

The Romans used it as an important crossroads fortress until the Tatars destroyed it in the 13th century. Conquered by Turkish armies in 1552, Timisoara remained under their protection until 1718 when the region of Banat came under Austrian rule for two centuries. Timisoara later became a vital commercial and manufacturing town. Turks, Austrians, Germans and Serbs all left their mark and their influence can be seen in neighborhoods throughout the city even today. The charm of this city, settled on the northern bank of the Bega River, lies in its distinct architectural character and vibrant cultural life.

Frequently referred to as 'Little Vienna,' Timisoara is home to year-round musical and theatrical performances, art galleries, museums and a buzzing nightlife. A progressive, cosmopolitan place, Timisoara was the first city in Europe and second in the world after New York, to use electricity to illuminate its public streets. French writer Jules Verne was inspired by the Colti fortress when he wrote his novel 'The Castle in the Carpathian Mountains' (Castelul din Carpati). His other two novels whose actions take place in Romania are 'The Danube Pilot' and 'The Stuborn Keraban'. Next, cross the Carpathians into Transylvania and stop by at Densus, where you can find one of the oldest Romanian churches.

Harta Orase Timisoara

This stone monument was built in the 13th century, and some historians assume it is a re-shaped Roman mausoleum. Build from river rocks, bricks with Roman inscriptions and funerary stones, the Saint Nicholas Church at Densus makes for an interesting visit. Couple of miles east, climb up to the ruins of the Colti fortress* in Suseni. The Castle was first mentioned in a written document the 14th century as belonging to the Cindea family. From up here enjoy a spectacular view over the rugged peaks and ridges of the Retezat Mountains. Corvin Castle - Hunedoara Castelul Corvinilor Where: 105 miles east of Timisoara Access: car, bus, train Drive over picturesque hills with secluded villages to Hunedoara. During the 14th and 15th centuries, Hunedoara was one of the main iron extraction and processing centres in Transylvania.

The swords and spears manufactured here during this period were renowned across Europe. The town is home to the mighty 15th century Corvinilor Castle (Castelul Corvinilor), one of the most important examples of gothic architecture in Central and Eastern Europe. The region around Hunedoara was one of the earliest settled parts of Romania. Deep in the mountains above Orastie you will find Neolithic remains and vestiges of the Dacian citadels, including Sarmizegetusa Fortress (UNESCO World Heritage Site), seat of kings Burebista and Decebal. The former Dacian capital was conquered by the Romans in 106 AD.

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