DipTrace Step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions is a good place to start your DipTrace experience. The first part of tutorial will show you how to design a simple schematic, convert it to PCB and get manufacturing files. The second part will teach how to create new components and place them into Schematic and PCB Layout. Jun 19, 2017 - DipTrace is an advanced PCB design software application that consists of 4. DipTrace provides manual and automatic placement tools and is.
I promise, I'm not trying to start a holy war. I have searched here and with Google but didn't find much side by side comparison. I did a pretty major design using the hobbyist version of Eagle, which I paid for.
I believe that was version 6.0 or 6.1. In general it worked well. What was good about it was that it seems every maker type place has Eagle libraries available for their parts, another guy who helped me with it had Eagle since its so popular and yet another guy was able to make libraries for me, again because its so popular.